The Greek Series:


                      AM Computer Service
                                                                                   XP Security Tips: 

     Port Scan: Test your firewall and browser's ability to stand a port scan
     1. Browse to, scroll down and follow the Shields Up.
         Read and accept the disclaimer, once you've done click Proceed
         to go to the tests.

     2. Check Main Ports: Look for we want to probe your system's ports
         scroll down the main page and choose Common Ports. This will
         show which ports are open, closed or in stealth mode.

     3. Extend Test: You will get an overall pass or fall, but the best security
         is offered by ports set to stealth. you can go to test all the service ports
         up to number 1055 or individual ones.


     What is Phishing?                                                                             Things To avoid?
      Phishing involves sending a fraudulent email, supposedly                Avoid emails with forms in the message body, as it's
      from an organization that might have access to your                       difficult to verify where the data will be sent to. 
      financial details. The emails asks for confirmation of an                  It helps to avoid HTML email completely or make
      account details, often forwarding you to a convincing site               make use of the picture blocking feature in the latest
      to get details about you.                                                                  versions of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express.

     Internet Explorer 7 Help?                                                                 Help Online?
     Internet Explorer 7 has a built in phishing filter, which checks         Some sites provide information and help with such
     websites against a database of known fraudulent sites.                     sites, ebay provides a tutorial at http://pages.ebay.
                                                                                                     and provides a service
     Direct Access:?                                                                                  reporting phishing attempts.
     If you've received an email from a company that contains a
     link, avoid clicking it, instead type the URL into the address          Cookie Control:
     bar. this will take you directly to the site instead of the going          Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > 
     to the phishing email it intended to direct you to.                            Privacy tab. Then move the slider to the level of
                                                                                                             protection you require.

    Spot A Trojan:
    For an effective way to scan for Trojans, use Swatlt from                Virus Warning: It scans you PC like virus checker.                           Email warning about viruses are usually fake, do not
                                                                                                             forward them. Go to to learn about
    Scan for Spyware:                                                                             virus hoaxes or check the virus encyclopaedia at
    Spybot S&D is a free and well regarded spyware removal                 at http://
    program. Get it from /en/index.html         vinfodb.html to verify the virus.